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Monday, 24 October 2011

News Production Package Idea (First Idea)

We have been asked to research an idea for a news production package. As a group we have chosen the topic of funding related to students at the Manchester college. We will be touching on some aspects that  have a massive effect on students funding. In order to produce an efficient content we will need to consider the following:

When researching we have to consider students that have been effected previously, at present and how it will effect students in the future. To show the importance of this particular information we will display facts and statistics to back the effect  the rise has had on students and will continue too have in the future.

According to the Manchester college these are the positives of studying at the college with the lower and competitive fees starting from next year. However manchester college will be offering the lower fees but advertise the following as selling points.

Positives for the future
  • Small class sizes
  • Superb teaching and support
  • Excellent campuses and facilities
  • Establishhed links with employers and universities
  • The Manchester Student Experience
  • Living away from home
  • Socialising facilities
Negatives for the future
  • Apprenticeships
  • One in Three students will miss out on University places

Possible Solutions
  • More Scholarship and Bursarys
  • More funding schemes involving companies

The purpose of this is to find how manchester college will deal with the rapid rise in tutition fees and how things can be changed to improve the quality of teaching in the future. Also will the rise in tuition fees effect students going to college or university in years to come.

As part of my research for the group i will research into facts, figures and statistics together to get an overall understanding of how things are going to change for the better or worse in the future.

Style And Content Of Newspage

During group discussion we have discussed briefly the style of the package and the style of the content.

Below i have taken some screen prints of the following website link which was posted to me by naysha.

I feel this style of graphic is bright and keeps the viewer interested due to the choice of colours and the creative objects and shapes. When creating our own VT this should be a style we should look at using as it is catching to the eye.

As we will be collection our own statistics we could use a graphic like the one above in order to show display our findings. By displaying the data this way it is easier to read and also easier to explain to viewer.