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Tuesday, 8 November 2011

First live multi camera OB shoot.... With Guests Elliot Beese and Josh Lipman (Peter)

Today was the first day of shooting live bands. We had two acts perform, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The first act was Elliot Beese acoustic artist and singer accompanied by Josh Lipman Electric Gutarist. In the second half of the day we shot Josh Lipman on his own playing a funky guitar solo which was streamed to As shown in the post on the 1/11/11 named setting up the studio. In the setting up the studio post I also so briefly outlined the roles we could choose to take on during this session of shooting. I chose the role of floor manager as I had done this in a previous lesson, but I wanted to challenge myself and try it again so I could explore the role a bit further. As floor manager it was my job to make sure that everybody on the floor new what they were doing. Using talk back systems around the studio also made this alot easier as I could communicate with the director in gallery to ensure everything was set up correctly on the floor and to check that everything was fine with the Director. I also had the responsibility of filling out a risk assessment form for the producer.The risk assessment identifies the risks or hazards from low to high,for example(1.cables running around the studio 2. Hot lights should be left to cool down).
Below I have outlined the roles that were assigned in the morning (AM) and the roles the were assigned in the afternoon (PM).

Roles (AM) - Act 1 Elliot Beese- Acoustic Guitar
Director- Josh
Vision Mixer-Mikael
Sound OP- Andrew T
Floor Manager- Dan J
Camera 2- Erin
Camera 1- Imogen
Camera 3- Jack
Camera Assistants 1- 
Camera Assistants 2- Rebecca
Camera Assistants 3- Ezra
Gallery Assistant- Nabid

Floor Manager
For the  takes during the morning  I took on the role of floor manager as i had carried out this role before. In previous sessions I wasn't to confident carrying out this role. However as I had carried out this role previously I wanted to improve on the faults that I made in the previous sessions. From the previous sessions I noted that as floor manager you have to be loud and direct with people. As I am quite a shy person and don't like shouting at people, I found this quite hard at first. But the more I did this the more confident and comfortable I became in carrying out the role. As floor manager I also had to ensure the safety of the floor to make sure there were no hazards or potential hazards that may occur during the course of the day. In the previous sessions i did not notice hazards as I should have done. However if I saw hazard this week I made sure it was fixed and safe, such as wires and cables that could have been tripped on. As floor manager I think I did quite well at organizing people and dealing with any problems they may have had. I think the floor manager role is a role i would like to work on and a role i would consider taking on within the industry.


Role (PM)-Act 2 Josh Lipman - Electric Guitarist
Vision Mixer-Kas
Sound OP- Andy T
Floor Manager- Abid
Camera 2- JO
Camera 1- Dan
Camera 3- Luis
Camera Assistants 1- Luke
Camera Assistants 2- 
Camera Assistants 3- 
Gallery Assistant- Nyasha