Level 1
Credit Value:20
Learning Hours:200
Credit Value:20
Learning Hours:200
Hand in dates- End of May
Research Portfolio:50%
Practical Project:50%
Research Portfolio:50%
Practical Project:50%
Aims of Module
- Introduction to the notion of “news agenda” and TV newsroom operations
- Allow development of a programme format
- Allow students to manage a practical project in a specific area of interest
- Back-time their broadcast to fit in with network discipline (schedule of programmes)
- Allow students to manage appropriate pre-production, production, post and archiving techniques.
Knowledge and understanding
- An understanding how TV operates
- An understanding of tutorial techniques
- An understanding of planning requirements
- Research, Negotiation and production management skills
We have been asked to research interesting news stories or come up with an news story idea that the group could discuss and evaluate.